Application Information


The priority application deadline for Fall 2025 admission is February 1, 2025. The priority deadline is recommended to be considered for certain types of funding (scholarships, assistantships or fellowships). Graduate College Scholarship applications are also due Feb 1, 2025.

The final application deadline for Fall 2025 admission is April 30, 2025​​.

Spring and Summer admissions are not offered for this program.

Application Requirements

Applicants for admission must submit all application materials by the application deadline.

Please see the Graduate College website here for all application requirements. You can begin your application here.

For the Psychological Research program, the following are required for full admission to the program:

  • minimum 3.0 GPA
  • minimum B or above in each in the following prerequisite courses:
    • Introduction to Psychology
    • Statistics
    • Experimental and Research Methods

The GRE is not required and will not be considered as part of the admissions process.

Additional Documents

The following are also required for the application:

  • research interest statement listing in order of preference three graduate faculty members from the Texas State Psychology Department whose research interests most closely match your own
  • resume/CV including prior experience in research or clinical areas, awards, and scholarships
  • statement of purpose (approximately 1–2 pages) conveying your research interests, plans for graduate study, professional aspirations, and career goals. Please indicate how your scholarly interests fit with those of specific faculty members in the Department of Psychology, as well as any relevant experience, special abilities, or skills (e.g., computer programming, fluency in another language)
  • three letters of recommendation from non-related individuals familiar with your scholarly work and/or relevant experience

Applying to MAPR Webinar

A webinar discussing applying to the MAPR program is available here. Former MAPR program director, Dr. Haskard-Zolnierek, and MAPR students walk through the application process and give tips about applying and attending graduate school. 

For additional information, please contact Dr. Katherine Warnell (Program Director) or Jess Bazaldua (Program Specialist)